Keyline 884 Decryptor MINI is a simple device to copy ID48,provides you a wide range of opportunities to copy the keys almost 95% of cars. In addition, you can copy ID48 for a price much lower than offered by other competing companies!
Keyline 884 Decryptor MINI TKM Xtreme Kit ID48 Full Car Key Cloning Tool Keyline Smart Cloner 90 is a one of our car key cloner Tools, you can buy Keyline 884 Decryptor MINI TKM Xtreme Kit ID48 Full Car Key Cloning Tool Keyline Smart Cloner 90 from
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Completely New Features:
Clone-2-Process - go ahead and disconnect from the server and the backup process will still continue - when the key is ready you will get an email notification! Completion key will take less than a minute!
Clone-AutoConnect - the system will automatically remember at what stage you finished the copying process, even if your phone in the middle of the process turns off - after charging the phone does not have to start all over again.
Keyline Multi-Clone - This option allows you to start the copy of the new key, even though at the same time takes longer process of cloning another. Option to copy multiple keys at the same time is no longer available!
LEDs built into the Smart Cloner 90 Wi-Fi allow users to easily gain insight into the process of copying. The interface displays on screen tablet, phone or computer shows the user on a regular basis the progress of the copy, making operation easy.
Megamos Xtreme Crypto Cloning Kit for ALL ID48 Chips:
Megamos Xtreme Crypto Cloning Kit is a FIRST general of affordable copy all MegamosĀ® Crypto Transponder Keys (ID48) in just two minutes!
This device provides all automotive locksmith and a full range of professional services. You no longer need to worry about complex diagnostic devices, tokens, codes or strange devices. Megamos Xtreme is fully compatible with Smart Cloner 90 Wi-Fi and Smart Cloner 90 Standalone (884 Decryptor Ultegra). Brand Keyline offers special dedicated "brackets", matching electronic "head" TKM.
Transponder Cloning:
Texas fixed code
Texas Crypto
Philips fixed code
First generation Philips Crypto**
Second generation Philips Crypto
Megamos fixed code
Megamos Crypto*** (to be activated with TKM. Xtreme Kit and TKM. Starter Kit)
Megamos Crypto (for Kia, Chevrolet-Daewoo, Pontiac)
Keyline Keyless Kit
Keyline RFD100
All the brands and trade marks mentioned here are the exclusive property of the respective car manufacturers or groups.
Regarding first generation Philips Crypto transponder, 884 Decryptor Mini can clone some PH1A; but not PH1B, PH1C, PH1D, PH1E and also Keyline RK60 remote controls.
In order to clone TKM-supported Megamos Crypto transponders, the 884 Decryptor Mini must be activated through the TKM. Xtreme Kit or TKM. Starter Kit. For a complete list of models that can be cloned to date, please consult the TKM. Xtreme Kit and TKM. Starter Kit pages. To get information on prices, please contact your area sales agent or the nearest distributor.
Package including:
1pcs x Keyline 884 Decryptor MINI TKM. Xtreme Kit car key cloning Tool
Go to Buy: Keyline 884 Decryptor MINI TKM Xtreme Kit ID48 Full Car Key Cloning Tool Keyline Smart Cloner 90